Friday, May 8, 2015

Fuji Friday...Area 51 Fuji

For your consideration... Area 51 is a government installation located in the Nevada desert, in the Southwestern United States. The most compelling explanation for Area 51's existence is that it has been a research facility and proving ground for experimental aircraft... aircraft engineered using Top Secret technology from way.. way... way out of this world. Some say that debris from an alleged UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico was hustled off to Area 51.

Quite by coincidence, after deciding to post my little green man, I found this item from yesterday, May 7, 2015. Cheyenne Cope, reporting for New Mexico's KRQE wrote:

“A photo has surfaced that a lot of people are saying is proof that the Roswell UFO incident was real. It’s a picture of an alien-type creature and they claim it was taken in 1947 in Roswell. ‘According to Kodak, yes it is real. It hasn’t been doctored. It hasn’t been touched. It is from that time period, from photographers that were in this area in 1947.’ said Mark Briscoe, executive director of the (Roswell) UFO museum. The photo was revealed at a conference in Mexico City on Tuesday. Someone claimed they found it in a box in an attic in Sedona, Arizona along with pictures of Clark Gable, Bing Crosby and Dwight Eisenhower.” 

Area 51 Fuji
3 x 5" Prismacolor and Ink on Paper

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