Friday, June 12, 2015

Fuji Friday...T-Shirt Fuji (Red)

The T-shirt gets its name from its shape... no surprise. It is certainly the most popular garment in the world. There's a size to fit everyone and it lends itself to self expression like no other article of clothing.

The T-shirt's popularity increased exponentially in 1951, when audiences were bowled over by a young, beautiful (and T-shirted) Marlon Brando in his breakout role as Stanley Kowalski in the movie adaptation of Tennessee Williams' play "A Streetcar Named Desire".  

Underwear went mainstream overnight.

As far as I can tell, the world's most expensive T-shirt was made somewhere in the United Kingdom and cost $400,000. It was made of cotton, and embellished with 16 diamonds adding up to 9 carats....while Brando's "Stanley" would probably have paid no more than 25 cents for his own torn and memorable scrap of jersey.

 T-Shirt Fuji (Red)
4 x 6" Prismacolor and Ink

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