Friday, September 18, 2015

Fuji Friday... Grace Note Fuji

Webster's defines a grace note as a musical note added as an ornament... or a small embellishment or addition. As musical notation, the grace note appears as a very tiny note preceding another note of normal size.

The grace note is played so quickly that it doesn't effect the tempo in any way ...but it is there,  and it always enriches the quality of the music.
It's often the little things that matter. There are countless moments in life where an opportunity is presented to smile, listen, or lend a hand... or to encourage someone with fewer items to move ahead in a checkout line.

These are moments that pass by in a wink, relatively speaking... but the grace generated by small acts of kindness always enrich the quality of the day.

Grace Note Fuji
Prismacolor and Acrylic on Illustration Board
6 x 8"  Photo by Jay York


  1. Someone once said that it is the silence between the notes that makes the music.

    You Rock!!!
