Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Maine Oracle - The Fish, Cast Off and The Troll

These are the first three cards of The Maine Oracle. It occurs to me that they belong together, and form a continuum... backwards, forwards or forwards and backwards. Originally these images were all painted in casein media. I made pencil drawings based on the paintings and these were adapted for use in my deck. For me, this group of cards/paintings/images describe an ongoing struggle. 

The Fish prevails when disappointment and unrealistic expectations are left behind as represented in the Cast Off card. The Troll enters again and again to challenge the idea of personal progress, fueling insecurities while luring The Reader into the trap of second guessing.

Shaking off The Troll becomes easier over time. Learning to Cast Off unwanted baggage will become more of a relief, and less charged with the fear of letting go. Heeding the lessons of The Troll and Cast Off cards will allow The Reader to return to the ways of The Fish, breaking the surface and rising from the depths into the light. The cycle goes on. Three steps forward, maybe one or two backwards, but always moving a little further in a good direction.

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